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Why You Need a Professional Home Network Installation


You’re Likely to Get More Smart Connected Devices this Holiday Season

Did you shop online this past Black Friday? Or did you brave the crowds at the store to get those early bird deals? Whatever your preferences, it’s highly likely that some smart connected device is on the holiday shopping list, Black Friday or otherwise.

Have you ever thought about your home network's ability to handle all those devices? Most people don't. Your child gets a new iPad, and it gets added to the network. A new Amazon Echo or Sonos speaker, and it also connects. How about a new refrigerator? Many of the latest ones also get connected to Wi-Fi to keep you informed about malfunctions and maintenance.

If you stream video, like so many people, the strain on your network multiplies. You might not think about it, but your kids may be streaming 4K videos on that shiny new iPad they just got for Christmas, all day long. Is your network ready for all that? If you’re still relying on the home network installation from your ISP when you moved into your Lake Geneva, WI home, it may not be ready for the next wave of connections you just added!

Keep reading below to see how you can invest in a home network system that can keep up with your needs now and into the future.

SEE ALSO: Is Your Network Ready for the Demands of Your Smart Home?


The Problem with ISP Solutions

Many people rely on the wireless network, modem and router supplied by their Internet Service Provider (ISP). While these solutions work, they tend to be generic solutions that may not fit every home. The wireless network may work well in a large house if the wiring location where it's installed is centrally located in your home and, even better, located on an upper floor if you have more than one story. If you don't have the ideal setup, you may have dead spots in Wi-Fi coverage in far corners of the house.

The other issue is the equipment and software in these systems. ISPs buy these units by the tens of thousands, and they are engineered to hit a price point. They typically will not have the fastest processors, best antennas, and heat management engineering of the best electronics. Consequently, they are designed to deliver average performance in the average home. If your home, number of devices, and performance needs are more than average, the ISP solution may not serve you well.


Professionally Designed and Installed Solutions

If you don’t want to settle for average or subpar network performance, then you might want to step up to a solution that's customized to your needs. What do we mean by poor performance? When you do Zoom meetings, you might get grainy video or occasional audio stuttering that makes you or others repeat what they say. You might have video streaming that settles on a lower resolution because your network is too overloaded to stream at the advertised 4K quality. A professionally designed and installed network can change that. Our network experts start by evaluating your home's size and layout, numbers of devices and potential growth. Next, they analyze the traffic priorities you need for your videoconferencing, home phones, entertainment, smart home systems, and other functions that depend on fast, reliable connections. Then they recommend, design, and install routers, switches, and wireless access points that cover your property with the right capacity needed for all your connectivity needs. In addition, we can also set you up with remote monitoring and diagnostic services, so you never have to wait for the “cable guy” when your network is malfunctioning.


Let Barrett’s Technology Services upgrade your home network installation to keep up with all your online needs. To learn more about home networking solutions, call us at (630) 898-2850 or contact us here  – we look forward to working with you!

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