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How LED Lighting and Smart Control Can Transform Your Home


A Look at the Latest in Lighting Control and Design 

LED technology may not change everything, but it is changing many things you interact with every day – and practically every minute. For example, the screen you are reading this on is likely lit by LED technology, whether it's your smartphone, tablet, desktop monitor, or laptop. While we don't think you are reading this on your flat-screen TV, one form of LED technology or another has revolutionized those screens, too.  

When it comes to home lighting, LED is a sea change there, too. LED lighting uses up to 80% less energy than Edison’s incandescent invention. Compared to still popular but rapidly declining compact fluorescent technology, LED still wins in flexibility, environmental friendliness, and energy efficiency.  

Combine the remarkable flexibility and efficiency of LED technology and smart lighting control systems, and you can transform the way you illuminate your Lake Geneva, WI home. Keep reading to see how.