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Why Smart Home Technology Makes Sense Right Now

Sunroom in luxury house overlooking Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, with a TV and smart home automation control.

The Future is Here – Why Wait?

Those of a certain age might remember the Jetsons, the cartoon series from the 1960s that depicted a future as imagined in that era. The Jetsons foresaw flying cars, robots, drones, holograms, and video calls. If you think about it, that future – save for flying cars – is mostly here. 

The Jetsons was ideated over 50 years ago, so we can only imagine what’s to come in smart home technology in the next 50 years. While that might be fun, today’s reality is amazingly Jetson-like and worth getting right now. So let’s explore the possibilities for your Hinsdale, IL home – available right here, right now!