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How to Protect Your Home with a Smarter Security System


Smart Home Technology Puts You in Control to Keep You Safer 

Does your home have an alarm system? Most do, and many houses are prewired with low voltage cable to install basic systems. The typical setup includes window and door sensors to detect opening when the alarm is set, a keypad for entering codes, a siren, and indoor motion sensors. You may have such a system or are familiar with them.  

The problem with these systems is that they are not very informative or easy to use. When an alarm is tripped, do you see a code? It might represent the window or door opened, but you might be confused as to which one it is. Likewise, changing codes or adding temporary ones for guests might involve a degree in programming. 

There’s a smarter approach to a home security system. Today’s smart technology solutions offer a far more intuitive experience and put you in the know about what's happening in your Chicago, IL home. Explore how below.