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How to Improve Your Home Network Performance


Three Ways a Professional Network Installation Boosts Your Home’s Connectivity

If it hasn’t become all too clear in these times, we are all very dependent on our data links to the world at large. From online shopping to Zoom video conferences, our home networks have become vital links to staying connected with everything important in our lives. While the effects of the pandemic and Zoom calls will subside over time, there's no question that reliable connectivity is and will continue to be a necessity.

With all the strain current home networks are under, it might be a good time to review your system. Is it keeping up with all the high-resolution video streaming for video conferences and entertainment? Are your security cameras delivering you a quality feed when you want to see something? If not, you might be in need of some upgrades. Keep reading for three ways a professional home network installation can keep your Chicago, IL home connected in the fast lane.

Why You Need a Professional Home Network Installation


You’re Likely to Get More Smart Connected Devices this Holiday Season

Did you shop online this past Black Friday? Or did you brave the crowds at the store to get those early bird deals? Whatever your preferences, it’s highly likely that some smart connected device is on the holiday shopping list, Black Friday or otherwise.

Have you ever thought about your home network's ability to handle all those devices? Most people don't. Your child gets a new iPad, and it gets added to the network. A new Amazon Echo or Sonos speaker, and it also connects. How about a new refrigerator? Many of the latest ones also get connected to Wi-Fi to keep you informed about malfunctions and maintenance.

If you stream video, like so many people, the strain on your network multiplies. You might not think about it, but your kids may be streaming 4K videos on that shiny new iPad they just got for Christmas, all day long. Is your network ready for all that? If you’re still relying on the home network installation from your ISP when you moved into your Lake Geneva, WI home, it may not be ready for the next wave of connections you just added!

Keep reading below to see how you can invest in a home network system that can keep up with your needs now and into the future.

3 Ways a Stronger Network Improves Home Technology


Get faster, more reliable performance from your devices while also improving your network security with help from Barrett’s Technology Solutions trusted integrators

We know our tech savvy clients probably know the basics of setting up a home network: You plug a modem into the wall, then plug a wireless router into the modem, and you’re up and running. However, if this is still the setup, you’re using for the devices in your home in 2019, you’re in dire need of an upgrade.

There are so many devices in our homes with wireless internet connectivity compared to years past. This puts a tremendous amount of strain on your network, which could cause all sorts of problems. Security and logistical concerns that didn’t exist before the proliferation of Wi-Fi devices are now big issues for homeowners.

Here are a few reasons why your existing home network installation isn’t enough in 2019, and what homeowners in Illinois’ Gold Coast gain from a network upgrade.

Is Your Network Ready for the Demands of Your Smart Home?


Explore the Commercial-Grade Network Solutions from WhyReboot 

The home network has quickly become a foundational piece of the modern home, almost as important as electricity and running water. Are we exaggerating by placing networking at that level? Only a little, as communication with the outside world is a critical need in any modern home. Moreover, with the convergence of all information and communication into digital form, the home network is an enabling piece of technology.  

In business, when a function is essential for the very operation of the company, it's called mission-critical. Today, the home network is a mission-critical component. Imagine not being able to connect to work, school, and audio or video communications. In the past year’s pandemic, the need for robust connectivity was all too clear. And with the increasing dependence of the modern home on smart features like lighting and security, it’s easy to see why networking is a mission-critical component. 

Is the home network installation in your Chicago, IL home keeping up? Explore how the solutions from WhyReboot are tailored to the connectivity needs of today’s smart homes.